TMS Therapy - Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation

Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) is a type of brain stimulation therapy.
TMS; It is a non-invasive treatment that uses electromagnetic pulses to stimulate nerve cells, which can improve symptoms of neurological or mental health disorders. It is mainly used to treat depression. It is successful in helping people who do not respond to antidepressant medications and psychotherapy. It can treat depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, anxiety, bipolar disorder, smoking cessation, migraines, and other brain-related conditions. It is noninvasive and may be helpful when other treatment approaches are not effective.
TMS, our psychiatrist Prof. Dr. It is implemented by Ömer Temporary.
Prof. Dr. Ömer Geçit (Psychiatry Specialization) is an internationally respected addiction therapist and specialist Psychiatrist.
What is TMS?
TMS is short for transcranial magnetic stimulation. TMS is a non-invasive treatment in which magnetic pulses are sent to stimulate nerve cells in the part of the brain that controls mood. This area is often underactive in depressed patients. Stimulating this particular part of the brain has been proven to have an antidepressant effect on people suffering from depression. TMS does not require anesthesia or surgery. TMS should not be confused with ECT (Electro Convulsive Therapy) and does not affect cognitive functions such as memory.
What are the benefits of TMS Therapy?
TMS treatment has many benefits. Researchers are still studying the procedure, but it may help the following conditions:
Bipolar disorder
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
stroke rehabilitation,
Parkinson's disease,
Alzheimer's disease,
chronic pain
nicotine addiction
Multiple sclerosis (MS)
As Psychologist London, we apply TMS treatment in our clinic and offer a more effective, faster and permanent recovery by applying TMS and traditional treatment methods together.
How does TMS work?
TMS activates brain nerve cells by applying repetitive magnetic pulses. For this reason, TMS is also known as rTMS (repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation) because multiple magnetic pulses are delivered to the brain during a treatment session. TMS treatment consists of repeated cycles of TMS followed by periods of rest. Diagnosis and initial session are performed by a licensed physician. The remaining treatment sessions will typically be conducted by trained personnel under the supervision of the doctor.
Who can receive TMS treatment?
TMS is a treatment option for adult patients with major depressive disorder who do not achieve satisfactory recovery from antidepressant medications. TMS treatment is only available with a prescription. Your doctor will use medication dosing records and depression scores, among other measurements, to determine whether you are a candidate for TMS treatment.
How long does the treatment take?
Depending on the treatment protocol prescribed by your physician, a TMS therapy session can last from 3 minutes to 37 minutes. However, all protocols will be applied with one treatment session per day, 5 times per week, for a period of 4-6 weeks.
What does TMS feel like?
You sit in a chair in a comfortable position in your doctor's office/clinic. When the magnetic pulses are delivered, you will hear a clicking sound and feel a tapping sensation on your scalp. You will use earplugs during treatment to reduce sound.
Are there any side effects of TMS treatment?
TMS may cause headaches or nausea, but you should be able to return to your daily activities immediately after treatment. TMS treatment is a medical procedure and you should inform your doctor of any side effects experienced during or after treatment.