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While psychologists focus on the factors that cause broken marriages in their research, they neglect to look at the characteristics of good marriages. Psychologist Judith Wallerstein decided to close this gap by looking at the marriages of 50 couples who had been married for at least nine years. “The Good Marriage: Why and How Does Love Last?” In his book, he talks about nine important psychological precautions. As a result of his long-term studies, Wallerstein lists these nine tasks as follows:
Achieving emotional separation from the family in childhood and investing fully in the marriage, thus defining the connections with both families.
While establishing a unity based on common values, attention should be paid to the independence of both people.
Establishing a rich and enjoyable sexual life and ensuring that it is not affected by family and work life.
For families with children; Dealing with the difficult tasks of parenthood and digesting the effects of the baby on the marriage. Care should be taken to ensure that everyone has their own independent space.
To be able to face and cope with the inevitable crises in life.
Being able to maintain the strength of the marriage bond in difficult situations. Marriage; There should be a "safe space" where couples can reveal their differences, anger and conflicts.
Bringing jokes and joy to life; preventing boredom and disconnection from people.
The couple meets each other's needs for love, support, admiration and care.
To keep the romantic, ideal images of the early days alive while facing the changes brought by time.
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